AnnaMaria Pinaka / Workshop

The self and its doubt (in art methodologies)
This workshop addresses the relationship of value and art by posing questions such as, what does it mean to defend or self-doubt one’s own work? Thinking through multiple discourses and artistic case-studies, we will consider what traditionally may be seen as mistakes, failures and disappointments, as potential tools of the determined creative process. Our aim will be to negotiate the ontological space of artists’ own use of non-sovereign subjectivity as carrying the potential to destabilize neo-liberal engines of value production – or what Bojana Kunst calls ‘the proximity of art and capitalism’.
Students will be encouraged to develop their reflection processes, which will find release in active making, producing a short work to be presented during the last day of the workshop.
About AnnaMaria Pinaka
AnnaMaria Pinaka is an artist working in video, painting and performance. Focus of her work is the relationship between sex, sexuality and image making and the use of life material in art. In 2017 she completed her practice-led PhD thesis, ‘Porno-graphing: “dirty” subjectivities & self-objectification in contemporary lens-based art’, at the Department of Theatre, Drama and Performance at Roehampton University, London, UK.
Attendance: ASFA students only
Where and when: @ViZ Laboratory for Visual Culture, 28 November 11:00 – 16:00, 29 November 11:00 – 16:00, 2 December 11:00 – 13:30
Image: AnnaMaria Pinaka, Global Warning, video-still, 2009