AnnaMaria Pinaka / Public Talk

In her talk, AnnaMaria Pinaka will use her video, performance, painting and writing practices to discuss through the methodological use of non-sovereignty and self-doubt, life material in art, ‘dirtiness’, and their potential to destabilize neoliberal engines of value-production.
(The talk will be in English)
About AnnaMaria Pinaka
AnnaMaria Pinaka is an artist working in video, painting and performance. Focus of her work is the relationship between sex, sexuality and image making and the use of life material in art. In 2017 she completed her practice-led PhD thesis, ‘Porno-graphing: “dirty” subjectivities & self-objectification in contemporary lens-based art’, at the Department of Theatre, Drama and Performance at Roehampton University, London, UK.
Cover Image: AnnaMaria Pinaka, untitled (Big Bob), acrylic on canvas, 2019.